Brave the Shave Request Form

Brave the Shave is a helping hand to families affected by childhood cancer. This program has been developed to assist families in North Dakota, up to one year post treatment, regardless of financial status. Please fill out the following request form to be considered for Brave the Shave assistance from the Brave the Shave Family Fund. All requests will be reviewed on a first-come, first-serve basis and are subject to committee approval. For travel related requests, please allow 2 weeks for processing. Please mail our payments to your creditors rather than paying by phone or computer. It will prevent additional complications for us. Thank you for your cooperation

Honoree Information

Contact & Family Info

Is your child in active treatment?

I give my permission to Brave the Shave (BTS) to take and publish my likeness using still or motion media (photo and/or video) for use by BTS in the promotion of electric cooperatives, BTS, and/or its subsidiaries, including its use on any BTS websites, the Brave the Shave website and in BTS publications, advertisements and signage. I understand and agree that BTS may, in its sole discretion, edit, crop, touch up or otherwise alter a photo containing my image to improve the picture quality, composition, contrast and for other purposes. Further, I understand and agree that I shall receive no compensation of any kind now or in the future for the use of my likeness in the photo. I understand that the photos taken remain the property of Brave the Shave for future discretionary use.

Assistance Requests

Please include a copy of each bill…

I am requesting the following service(s):